Goodies piling up

It’ll be a while before the van’s ready for them, but I’ve some neat gadgets coming…

Mr Heater “Mr. Heater Portable” pumps out up to 9000 BTUs using propane, in a supposedly indoor-safe manner. Only consideration is that it uses up oxygen, so there should be some ventilation. I’d never sleep with it on, but it’ll come in handy when I can’t wait for the warm weather to go camping.

Koolatron 12v cooler/warmer The 12-volt Koolatron cooler will keep myperishables ~40 degrees below ambient temperature with moderate current draw.

solar flat 15 A Solarflat 15 solar panel will keep the battery (2nd deep cycle battery to be added for appliances) topped off. Ordered with charging controller that can keep up to 4 such panels sorted out.

Westy sink This old Westfalia sink will get a new pump, plus fresh and gray water tanks. Goes into the cabinets I’ll build.

possible ovenmayb e The other big appliance is the oven….wait, OVEN? Yeah, the usual two-burner Westy cooktop just isn’t going to cut it when I want to bake bread in the middle of nowhere, so I’m bidding on a couple of tiny oven/stove combos pulled from dead RVs. 17″x20″x19″ on average, one’ll fit nicely. Still trying to figure out a propane tank solution other than the $300 for a new Westy tank, guess I’ll end up getting a used one and having it reconditioned.

Jet engines would be pretty cool, but are unlikely to happen.