Last photos before…*gasp*…a week in The City

Every time I buy airline tickets, the trip seems remote and easy to prepare for.

Until the day before departure…so I’m running around trying to square away the dangling bits of a million little projects before heading to NY tomorrow.

Decided to harvest some tobacco and try curing it in the shed, to cut my losses in case the plants freeze and die while I’m gone.

It seems that tobacco is easy to grow in large quantities, but the processing requires significant infrastructure, knowledge, and patience. So I’ve got tobacco curing…

…on a string and a prayer:
Tobacco leaves hanging to cure

Ideally it should turn yellowish on the live plant before harvesting, but that’s also supposed to happen before frost, which could (probably won’t) happen this week.

The top of the deep-freeze doubling as tobacco processing table:


In other news…I took the excellent motorcycle training course offered by Team Oregon, a three day intensive with tests at the end of the third day. I now have a motorcycle endorsement on my driver’s license, a fancy new helmet and gloves, and an ancient (naturally) motorcycle.

It’s a ’73 Suzuki TS185, a two-stroke (the ones that go “ding-da-da-dading-dading-ding-ding”), dual sport (street legal, but reasonably capable off-road) model.

It starts on one kick and runs great, is frighteningly fast, and I’ve collected most of the needed parts to get it in proper shape. Another weekend in the shed and I’ll have it legal and register it:
1973 Suzuki TS185

…and now, off to NYC and the Catskills for a week. If you know me (and who else would be reading this?) and you’re in the area this week, call my cell and let’s arrange to make pints disappear.

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