It’s late and I’m tired, so I’ll mostly let my photos do the talking. Suffice it to say, we fell in love with this struggling but spirited city, and actually spent a day looking at neighborhoods and apartment listings…and almost stayed.
But, we decided we weren’t yet ready to end our adventures, and are now in Columbus, TX, hoping (if all goes well with the Let’s Go) to hit San Antonio tomorrow, and perhaps sleep tomorrow night in one of the numerous (and from the sounds of it, fabulous) Texas state parks.
Before I move on, I feel compelled to post one last photo of beautiful Blackwater River State Park in Florida.
This one is on Intestate 10, somewhere in Lousisiana, on the way to New Orleans.
Just outside of New Orleans – you can still see many of the trees broken down from the hurricanes.
Now it gets fun – here we are on New Orleans’ famous Bourbon Street in the French Quarter (and I thought New York was sin city!) We drank a couple of beers, heard some Blues standards and some fabulous old-time Jazz, and had a good laugh at the sheer number and variety of strip joints and peep shows!
The feet in the window of this one swing back and forth – I had to hold the camera steady and time my shot to get the feet sticking out of the window. 🙂
This is one of the many colorful buildings in the French Quarter, snapped the following day while driving around town.
We also hit upon one of the amazing old cemeteries for which New Orleans is famous; spent a good hour photographing in there…
Once we got back on the road, we couldn’t pass up a shot of this incredible gas bargain we spotted in Texas.
And in closing, here’s Peter in our motel room this evening, writing his earlier post.