Three nights of very little sleep, thinking she was going into labor. Today, finally, in labor. All day. Single birth. Giant kid, with really giant head. First-time goat mama, with really tiny birth canal. Head stuck. Amniotic sac burst. Me pulling while she’s pushing. Mama goat hollering. Can’t budge head. Mama goat tiring, stopping. Kid’s tongue turning blue. Thought we’d lost him. Still not sure how we finally got him out of there. Wonderful surprise to find him still alive. Choking and wheezing on aspirated amniotic fluid. Swung him several times, now seems fine. He’s a little firecracker. Mama Lulu is tired and torn, but seems happy with her brand new baby. Did I mention he’s huge?
6 thoughts on “One giant buckling, one traumatic birth”
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Amazing!! Good for Lulu, good for her baby and good for you guys for getting him out alive. I feel badly for Lulu but she is obviously happy to have her giant baby with her.
Love you, Mom
Aw, poor momma! I am pregnant with my first baby, a boy, and hoping/praying/begging that I don’t have a similar experience! Whew!
OK, so you may have just sealed my decision on whether (wether) to be or not to be a goat breeder with this one…bless Lulu, bless you, send me my already-birthed (I am sure she can prove in the USA) doe girl! Love to all of you! Lisa, mama of Clarisse & Barnabas, mama -in-waiting of Sephira
Glad they are both okay!!
you were doula and midwife! excellent!
And congrats!
thanks, everyone!
sorry to be so late to respond…
@kate – i don’t have any experience with human births, but the vast majority of goat births go off without a hitch! we just got “lucky” this year…
@lisa – see my comment above! yes, sephira will come and join your herd as soon as she is old enough, but really – the majority of births are not like this! i would hate to have discouraged you from breeding one or both of your girls… baby goats are magical!