Super "screw that sports nonsense" Sunday!

Super Bowl Sunday == empty auto parts store day! For once, I’m glad that so many people get their jollies secondhand from the achievements of millionaire athletes who usually don’t even come from the town they play for.

Between that and the nice weather, I was able to:

  • install a working horn (meep meep!)
  • treat the screw holes in the floor and other potential rust locii
  • adjust the alternator belt to stop the cold weather squealing
  • fix overfill mistake on the power steering pump using a turkey baster (I overfilled the PS fluid the other day)
  • renew and thicken the bedliner stuff on the rear deck
  • pound a few big dents into small dents (I’m not a bodyman, it’ll get a pro job someday)
  • design a mount for my solar panel (padded and adjustable, so it can ride the roof rack)
  • hit body rust with neutralizer – for Until I Get A Pro Body Job

Also, my jalousie window came today, to go into the sliding door. On the other side, I’ll keep the stock slider because that’s much more compatible with the venting requirements of the stove, and will allow me to run solar panel wire in without cutting.