Tag Archives: events

And now for something completely different

Many heartfelt thanks to everyone who commented, emailed or called in response to Wayne's passing. It's been a rough year for us with our animals – we miss all of our recently departed critters dearly. And now, it's time to move on. Sorry for the long wait between posts – I'd wanted to leave Wayne's post at the top for a week or so, but incompatibility issues between my Mac, our satellite internet, and the WordPress software lengthened that time-frame considerably. We've got lots of posts saved up on what we've been up to, but in the meantime, here's Peter and I at the Oregon Country Fair in mid-July – a three-day festival of phreaks and hippies, music and art and good food and performance, all taking place on 280 wooded acres in Veneta, about 10-ish miles from where we live.

Peter and Teri at the Oregon Country Fair

(Yes, my chest is painted, and yes, it's bare apart from the paint – a Fair tradition for many. The artwork on my breasts was created by a lovely and talented woman, and is beautiful.

More posts coming soon…