Today’s flowers

Unidentified pink one:

I don’t know what this is called either…I’ll call it a “Red Dangler”:

This, of course, is known as a “Red Puffy Thing”:

Yet another I can’t identify yet, but it looks like something from Star Trek:

Scotch Broom is an invasive that crowds out everything else on disturbed ground and leaves a thicket of ugly, dead stalks, but for a few weeks, it’s beautiful:

Feel like I should be able to identify this one:

Hey! I know what this is – it’s an Iris! I called them Sweet Tart plants for a while before learning that, because it smells like the candy of that name:

We have Foxglove everywhere…it’s beautiful, but highly toxic to pretty much any animal, so we’ll have to be careful about where we let the goats browse:

One thought on “Today’s flowers”

  1. Karen Abramczyk

    Hi Teri and Pete,
    Have enjoyed reading your website, enjoying the photos and hearing about your adventures.
    Love Karen Abramczyk

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