Wethers for sale – SOLD
2015 Oberian kids playing
First 2015 kids!
Ryah and Padme have gone to their new home – but watch for 2015 kids appearing in the coming weeks!
Ryah and Padme are nine-month-old doelings from the award-winning Mystic Acres Oberian line, and are looking for their new home.
Oberians are a cross between Oberhasli (full-size dairy goats) and Nigerian Dwarf (miniature dairy goats). They are quiet, friendly, and easy to contain, with does/wethers/kids requiring only 4 foot field fencing. They make great family or homestead milkers.
The photo gallery above is current; this video of them is from late Summer 2014:
Both girls have their horns, and have been dam-raised with access to organically maintained pasture. They have been handled and loved-on frequently, and are very friendly. They will be ready to be bred this fall, for kids (and milk!) in the spring.
These girls were both single births, born just two weeks apart, and have grown up together. They are more like siblings than just herd-mates. We would prefer that they go to a new home together. $300 for the pair.
Contact Teri or Peter at Braided Bower Farm for more information or to arrange a visit.
2014 Oberian doelings being cute
Goats for sale!! ALL SOLD!
UPDATE 8/22/12: Starbuck and Boomer went to their new home yesterday. They were the last of our goats available for 2012. Stay tuned for the 2013 arrivals!
UPDATE 8/17/12: Crake and Anakin have gone to their new home! At this time, Starbuck and Boomer are still available.
We have a variety of Oberian (Mini-Oberhasli) wethers who are looking for their new homes. All are very friendly and will make wonderful pets. All are from Mystic Acres’ quality Oberian dairy goat lines.
Crake and Anakin are cousins; Crake is 3 months old and Anakin is 2 months old. Both of these boys have intact horns, and have been castrated. Crake is a deep reddish brown and Anakin is a medium brown; both have black markings. Both of these boys are sweet and friendly, and with training, could make great pack goats. It would be wonderful if these two kids could find a home together.
Starbuck and Boomer are 4-month-old brothers. Both are disbudded (de-horned) and castrated. Both are shades of light brown with black markings, and both have a frosted nose and ears like their mama. They are best friends, and can usually be found curled up together for their afternoon siesta. We would love for these two boys to be able to remain together.
We are asking $125 for each pair, or $75 per goat if sold singly. Goats are herd animals, and need to live with others of their kind. We will not sell any of these goats separately unless there are already other goats on the property (preferably of a similar size and/or age).
Best buddies